What I would like to see in an XML editor

NOTE: This is a restored version from this archive. When I type </, the last opened tag is closed, and the cursor is positioned after the closing tag. The editor can be switched from whitespaces sensitive to whitespaces insensitive. In the first mode, whitespaces are kept and displayed. In the second mode they are discarded, but the document is presented and saved in a nice indented way (a few intelligent pretty-printing rules can really make an XML document more readable).

There is no meaning in data alone, but in data processed by some code

NOTE: This is a restored version from this archive. (This text was originally posted on the xml-dev mailing list, in this message) I think that data has no meaning if there is nothing to process the data. A book has no meaning if there is no one to read it. When reading a book, the meaning is recreated from the text in the reader’s mind, but the meaning is nowhere in the book, just in the writer’s and the reader’s brains (there is often a difference between the writer’s ideas and their reproduction in the reader’s mind).

About the namespace riddle

NOTE: This is a restored version from this archive. WARNING : This document will soon be deprecated. The ‘Back to Basics’ series of article will replace it as soon at it is completed. The riddle RDDL was created, according to its authors, in response to the following question (or riddle, hence the name) : Some namespace names are URL. What should I get when I type this URL into my browser ?

A Platform-Neutral Model-View Framework

NOTE: This is a restored version from this archive. Introduction XSLT can be used to transform XML data in various ways. An application often seen is to use XSLT to transform XML data for presentation, building HTML / XHTML / WML / whatever documents. This allows for a clean separation between domain-specific data documents following a dedicated schema, and a presentation-dedicated markup language. This way, data documents can be produced and used by other tools that don’t need to care about presentation issues.